Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Male Fertility Crisis | The Agenda

Climate change is causing fewer births of white and Asian males as well as miscarriages! Emerging evidence from around the world suggests that more extreme temperatures – especially high temperatures – linked to climate change are associated with preterm birth, low birthweight and stillbirth especially among populations that live furthest away from the equator. Several retrospective and basic science studies have shown possible links for this decline in sperm parameters such as climate, fast foods, stress and environmental toxins.. Following current projections, sperm counts of the median man (ie Europeans Asians)  are set to reach zero in 2045, Swan and co-author Stacey Colino, a health and science journalist, write in the book. That means half of all men would have zero viable sperm and the rest would have very close to zero. Which country has the lowest sperm count?
Danish men had the lowest sperm concentrations... Scientists are alarmed by a significant drop in sperm counts since the 1970s in North America, Europe, and Australia, Data from nearly 43000 men around the world found that sperm counts dropped by more than half in Western countries. Men from Switzerland are among those with the lowest sperm counts in Europe, according to 2019 findings. Data from 53 countries shows that men in those regions share the significant decline in total sperm counts (TSC) and sperm concentration (SC) seen previously in North America, Europe and Australia. Furthermore, this study shows an accelerated post-2000 decline in TSC and SC globally. In Europe  significant declines in total sperm count were reported amongst semen samples from the following European countries (Finland, Denmark, France, United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, and Scotland) In 2022 A retrospective analysis of semen in healthy Belgian men showed a significant decrease in motile sperm and increase in immotile sperm. Another study, published by Environmental Pollution in 2018, collected the semen samples of 5,000 men living in northern Italy between 2010 and 2018. The extended analyses considering environmental parameters in the 3 months before semen collection, confirmed the relationship between air temperature and sperm quantity, whereas no influence was found between PM and sperm quality thus pollution was not the primary factor in lowering sperm counts. but warmer air temperature the likely cause.Conclusion: An influence of environmental temperature on semen quantity is suggested, without a clear effect of air pollution, as assessed through PM10 levels, on sperm parameter variations.

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