Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Amara La Negra Exposes Colorism On Love & Hip Hop

White America is scared. More scared than it has ever been before and that fear is what produces the attacks on the black community. The simple fact of the matter is black people are survivors whites for the most part without money succumb to drugs, overdose,mental illness, suicides, homicidal rages and more because the doctrines of white supremacy falsely teach them they are superior and ought to be able to weather these storms easily. Especially of the so called system is supporting their efforts. But the reality is they have been sold a bill of goods that is absolutely worthless. When white America sees blacks rising and prospering despite their economic downturns they are faced with a conundrum. How can white supremac be true and whites be superior if these others are doing better than I am? White media would have you believe that  black communities in the US are trainwrecks of drugs, violence, gangs, prostitution, murder, stupidity & ignorance, lack of logic, immaturity, poverty, incarcerated men, fatherless children, STDs and HIV. We in the black community know this rhetoric and understand the machinations of the society that try to perpetrate the creation of this spin as a reality. We know it and most of us know how to overvome it. Because of that white power structure attempts to use other methods more intrusive and violent to protect itself. Racial profiling, red lining, voter suppression, and drugs. The drug gambit failed and backfired on white America. Black and brown populations as the survivors of the crack epidemic were able to avoid the opiod epidemic being funded by China and the American pharmaceutical industry. Just like African leaders sold out their people in decades past to the west, American leadership on the right and left have sold out their people for pharmaceutical company dollars and big oil retirement funds. Climate change is wreaking havok on the world and many are still denying its existence even as their homes sink beneath the waves.Some 11% of black men are in jail right now 20 % of this number without having been convicted of a crime, and the reason they are in prison has more to do with focused targeting of the black community than actual crime. The majority of black incarcerations are non violent yet they more often than not will spend the same amount of time in jail or less than violent white offenders!  Every housing project built to "help" the black community was flooded with drugs and blacks didn't import those drugs in fact we organized the black Panthers to protect the community from corrupt police and drug dealers. The US government created the co-intelligence programs 1 and 2  to destroy those insulating our communities and allow the drug trade to flourish. When that funded the hip hop movement which allowed dealers to escape the trap suddenly stopping the drug trade became important and the FBI began focusing on music moguls while CIA operatives tried to fund South American coups with drug money and coop the Mexican Cartels. Now white America is in the middle of the largest drug epidemic in history and because of white supremacy they cannot save themselves. Why? Because in order to stop the deaths from opioids you have to admit the scope of the problem! Once you do that you have to find a way to stop users from using before they kill themselves. Opioids like heroi and fentanyl can kill a person on the first try so waiting until someone hits rock botto is ususlly not a vable option. Also white America doesn't want to incarcerate the addicts. This is what saved many people during the 80s and 90's crack epidemic. Mainly because people in prison were unable to get large amounts of the drugs they used.

But since the American prison system is basically a slave system they don't want to incarcerate so many people that would return to the world with an understanding of how the system actually works and makes fools of middle class whites almost exclusively who buy into the American dream that usually keeps them in the poorest states with the least upward mobility and education. Now there is a rush to the innder city away from the drug ridden suburbs as whites clamor to gentrify black communities spendig the last of their generational wealth to achieve the dream of their grandparents. Millennials are far worse off economically than the past three generations in America. The racist rhetoric from the past is that if  a few blacks move into your neighborhood, it's almost certain that crime will go up ---not from your neighbors -- but from their unsavory "friends"and associates. Now we see predominantly black and hispanic communities like Dorchester and Roxbury in Boston being flooded with undesirable white opioid addicts trying to find a new "multi cultural" American dream by pushing out those reflective of the communities culture! What surprised many in the community is that although property values rose as well as taxes the community of color opted not to move and white families are finding themselves having to deal with issues people of color have been talking about for decades such as police protection and well funded schools. Yes their is a change afoot for we see many homes embrcing solar power despite what the government says as communities utilize grass roots organizations to get affordable rates in changing over their power systems. You may ask what this has to do with race in this country and you may be surprised to learn that in 2013 the power companies threatened the Congrssional Black caucus NOT to promote solar power in urban locations especially black and brown communities or they would unilaterally raise the bills of all those communities as a punishment for promoting green initiatives! Race plays a part in so much of American life it seems to be endemic in every part of our lives. American reality and what America teaches as history are two distinct and different things. The history books would have you believe America invented freedom when in reality it lagged behind most of the world. The foundation of the British Empire was the caucasians attempt to rewrite history and subjugate a world it had found was primarily non- white. They became fixated on this fact and it bothers them to this day being only 9% of the world's population and declining fast. White people didn't invent personal liberty: in fact a woman of ancient Kemet (Egypt) had more legal rights than a woman in America does today,Yet who more than the black man forced America to live up to the promises it made in stating all men should have the freedom to say what you like, to assemble in any configuration you choose with your fellow citizens, to buy and sell without hindrance, to dispose as you wish of your assets, to work for whom you please, and, conversely, to hire and fire as you will?It was not the Greeks whom without the slave population of Athens, 20,000 Athenians could never have spent every day at the public square in discussions. It was not the English who hung children for stealing bread during famine. Neither was it the Irish who bought their acceptance into white society by showing how cruel and violent they could be toward their former darker brothers in exchange for admission to the state of whiteness. White anxiety is an ever present reality in America stemming from the realization that they are the only true minority on earth. This causes the psyche of the European brain already nutrient deprived for over 10,000 years durng the last ice age to feel victimized and react violently in situations others would choose communication for. Currently ALL European nations are below replacement levels for indigenous populations yet the word remains silent about this citing economies as the culprit while African nations with worse economies are seeing the highest number of births in decades!Many believe this is the underlying cause for the rise in white supremacist rhetoric and fascism globally.European populations globally have lost 60 percent of their ability to bear children since 1973!Data from nearly 43000 men around the world found that sperm counts dropped by more than half in Western countries.Men even have their own version of a biological clock. Beginning around their mid-30's, male fertility gradually degrades, and while most men produce sperm to their dying day, those past 40 who help conceive have a greater risk of passing on genetic abnormalities to their children, including autism. Globally the oldest male populations are white and Asian adding a double whammy to the situation four decades ago, the average "Western" (European) man had a sperm concentration of 99 million per milliliter. By 2011, that had fallen to 47.1 million and continues to drop by 1.5 percent each year!The researchers found no significant declines for non-Western men, though other studies have found major drops in countries like China and Japan(non-eumelanated Asian populations).

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