Friday, November 2, 2018

China's Population Continues To Decline In 2018

It doesn't matter if you don't want to believe it but every non black or non- Eu-melanated  country is having problems with fertility and giving birth! Chinese are actually kidnapping women trying to have children with them!The majority of China's population is old men they spent decades discarding female children and having abortions and infanticide of females now there are too few women in China and most Chinese men will remain lifetime bachelors what angers them is that black men come to their county and the women choose them first as partners just as they do in European countries! Melanin is the fountain of youth,and the catalyst for all life production! In nature, if a species is dying, it will literally mate with a stronger species in order to transfer and preserve its genes.  Thus, the women subconsciously choose those who will allow their genetics to survive the Alpha males! All of this hatred, violence, intimidation, domination, etc., is all coming from the minds of the irrational sick, homicidal, suicidal, fragmented thinking, reptilian brain, albinoid peoples who because of climate change and the increase of UV radiation are losing their ability to procreate these non melanated peoples are trying to win a battle against nature; but this battle has already been lost.Sperm counts have plunged by nearly 60 per cent in just 40 years among men"living in the West" (ie. Europeans),The same trend was not seen in other parts of the world such as South America, Africa and Southern India and Southeastern Asia melanated populations!But China imposed a one child law and chose not to bear female children and although the first chinese were black the Chines historically warred with those people and became a more homogenous people weakening their diversity (Africans have the most genetic diversity on the planet). This is why most Asians have poor eyesight as well lack of melanin and weaker genetics According to Asian Scientist magazine "An international team of scientists  completed the largest study into the genetic causes of poor eyesight, discovering at least 24 genes that are associated with refractive error, the most common eye disorder worldwide. A refractive error occurs when the eye fails to focus light properly onto the light-sensing cells at the back of the eye, known as the retina. Refractive errors frequently result in blurry vision and may cause blindness in extreme cases. The most common form of refractive error, myopia (near-sightedness), affects up to 80 percent of Asians and over 30 percent of European populations.

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