Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Way Forward For Black America~Time To Take The Offensive

White Supremacist Psychology. White supremacist adhere to wolfpack mentality In wolf hierarchy mysogyny is inherent, the males tend to dominate other males and the females dominate other females so that there is generally a low ranking member of each sex. The alpha pair would never allow the omega male and female to mate. Supremacy traits are tendencies toward aggression and Machiavellianism, psychopathy and narcissism. Machiavellianism is a tendency to manipulate other people for one's own gain.Left alone these personalities will fight and destroy each other to gain dominance.The pathology is one of fear and hate with fear being the predominant emotion.Most supremacists are like atoms missing a proton, he said. They're lacking something socially or emotionally,they are emotionally crippled and have little or no empathy.In a Univ. of Arkansas study it was found that alt-right members are more likely to self-report aggression (committed both in person and online) and that they are higher in negative personality traits, especially psychopathy, a trait defined by antisocial disorder and lack of empathy. Even when racists find out that they are not entirely white, that study found, they maintain their racism,basically in essence racism is a social disease and a mental illness.If we accept the definition of a specific mental illness, schizophrenia, as “a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception,” white supremacy can accurately be called a mental illness.White supremacists are afflicted with this disease, and they may well know it, but coming face to face with it is too painful; they deny its existence in general and in them in particular, but in denying the illness and its virulence, white supremacists are leading America to its own destruction.The late Dr. Frances Cress Welsing said in her seminal work The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors,” that “racism is a system.” Racism is white supremacy, and white supremacy is racism, she said. White people live in fear that they will lose their power, and so they perpetuate racism and white supremacy, all the while denying it.Many find the sight of hundreds of racists chanting their intentions for a so-called "ethno-state" and the forceful removal from America of anyone who isn't white horrific. But others—namely, some psychiatrists—see these individuals as mentally ill. Which leads to a disturbing question: Are we seeing the emergence of a nationalist movement fueled by prejudice or a widespread personality disorder that requires psychiatric care? Homicidal and genocidal ideations are part of the progression of this illness as whites perceive all non whites as a threat to their existence because of their genetic weakness both physical,reproductive and intellectual.In fact American IQ tests were created to give whites a false sense of intellectual superiority the tests actually measure white cultural knowledge not knowledge potential.Melanin deficiency creates obsessive compulsive or addictive behavior which is the reason the non melanated are so prone to drug addiction and alcoholism

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