Monday, April 16, 2018

Australians Are Getting Severely Sunburned In Cooler Summer Temperatures

UPDATE: WHITE INFERTILITY CAUSE DISCOVERED! Since the 1970's UV radiation levels have been rising globally this is the central reason we are seeing non melanated populations below replacement level births as UVB and UVC radiation sterilizes males without the protection of MELANIN!Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, diet, stress, smoking and obesity have all been suggested as possible reasons behind the dramatic declines but it is essentially the adherence to fossil fuels that has caused this and they don't want the world to know. The research has proven this but NO major news outlet will tell the truth! Sperm counts have plunged by nearly 60 per cent in just 40 years among white men and light skinned pheomelanin dominant Asians.The same trend was not seen in other parts of the world such as South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. Japan,Korea and China though have some of the lowest birth rates in the world so low China has lifted its ban on one child families but the numbers have not grown!Writing in the journal Human Reproduction Update, the researchers – from Israel, the US, Denmark, Brazil and Spain – said total sperm count had fallen by 59.3 per cent between 1971 and 2011 in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Sperm concentration fell by 52.4 per cent.“The public health implications are even wider. Recent studies have shown that poor sperm count is associated with overall morbidity and mortality,” they added...meaning for the first time in a century white men and women are seeing their life expectancy lower globally .One of the team, Professor Shanna Swan, of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, said falling sperm counts had been “of great concern” since they were first noticed about 25 years ago.She added:“This definitive study shows, for the first time, that this decline is strong and continuing. Professor Sharpe said that across Northern Europe today 20 per cent of young men had a sperm count low enough to “impair their fertility”.“And, as the present study indicates, this is likely to get worse,” he warned.In 2004 A team of researchers in the U.S. and Germany measured the highest levels of ultraviolet radiation ever recorded on the EarthÂ’s surface. says team leader Nathalie A. Cabrol of the SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center.“This is in the tropics, in an area where there are small towns and villages.” Now 13 years later the problem has spread worldwide ! According to a World health organization report given to the United Nations A marked increase in the incidence of skin cancers and lowered sperm vitality and motility has been observed in fair-skinned populations worldwide since the early 1970s. This is strongly associated with personal habits in relation to sun exposure and its ultraviolet (UV) component..Prolonged human exposure to solar UV radiation may result in acute and chronic health effects on the skin, eye and immune system. Sunburn and tanning are the best known acute effects of excessive UV radiation exposure; in the long term, UV radiation-induced degenerative changes in cells.Increased UV radiation can have an effect on human fertility over generations, a new study has warned. Exposure to enhanced levels of ambient ultraviolet (UV) radiation (UVR) can have adverse effects including damage at the cellular and molecular level and impairment of development, fecundity and survival. The following is what is happening to Europeans globally " Irradiation to the central nervous system may affect the timing of the onset of puberty, result in hyperprolactinemia, or cause gonadotropin deficiency if the hypothalamic-pituitary axis is involved in the radiation field. Direct irradiation to the testis will, in lower doses, affect the germinal epithelium: doses of irradiation greater than 0.35 Gy cause aspermia, which may be reversible. The time taken for recovery increases with larger doses; however, with doses in excess of 2 Gy aspermia may be permanent.

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