Friday, July 22, 2022

See what three degrees of global warming looks like | The Economist

Europe will be hardest hit by climate change because they have no heat ameliorating infrastructure to protect your family get lifesaving info from   Help Us save the planet!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Europe’s climate in 2050

If you are still on the fence about climate change? Your fence is on fire!
This video explains why melanin is the most valuable substance on earth and why there is a race to produce artificial melanin for Europe!The current 2022 cost of Melanin is $450.00 a gram! That is enough to dye one strand of hair black. Since 2012 scientists have been searching for a way to make melanin which is what protects black and brown people from UV radiation and scientists may have found a new way to block these dangerous rays: melanin-imitating nanoparticles that protect skin cells from within. If proved, this approach could be used to develop better skin protection for people not blessed with melanin and possibly treatments for certain skin disorders  like vitiligo or rosacea as well.

The darkening pigment melanin or Eumelanin is one of the body's primary natural defenses against UV-induced DNA damage. Melanin is found in every organ of the body and is especially important in brain and nerve function as their are several types of melanin (Mela meaning black from the Greek word Melas or Melanos) Below the skin's surface, special cells secrete melanosomes, which produce, store and transport melanin. These structures are absorbed by skin cells called keratinocytes and form protective, UV-blocking shells around the cells' nuclei.Many people without the natural protection of Eumelanin are highly susceptible to the adverse effects of UV.

To create synthetic versions of these melanosomes, researchers at the University of California, San Diego, bathed dopamine—a signaling chemical found in the brain and other parts of the body—in an alkaline solution. This step produced melaninlike nanoparticles with shells and cores made of polydopamine, a dopamine-based polymer. When incubated in a petri dish with human keratinocytes, the synthetic particles were absorbed by the skin cells and distributed around their nuclei like natural melanin.

The cells “are able to process [the synthetic nanoparticle] and then convert it into a sort of cap over the nucleus,” says study author Nathan Gianneschi, a biochemist now at Northwestern University. Like melanin, the synthetic material also functions as a pigment to darken skin, but “it wasn't that it just filled the cells and made them darker,” he says. “It actually structured them.”

Not only were the melaninlike nanoparticles transported and distributed throughout skin cells like natural melanin—they also protected the cells' DNA. The researchers incubated skin cells with nanoparticles and then exposed them to UV radiation for three days. Fifty percent of the skin cells that absorbed the nanoparticles survived, compared with just 10 percent of those without nanoparticles. The findings were published  in 2017 by ACS Central Science.

Now that the team knows the melaninlike nanoparticles are treated the same as natural melanin and effectively protect cells, the next and most difficult step will be determining the absorption mechanism.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Why Did The Anti-Asian Hate Bill Succeed Before Anti-Lynching Bill? Godf...

Did you know that the United States blocks African Americans from financially helping African nations? Did you know that if they try the IRS is used against them like in the case of Wesley Snipes. Did you know that if an African nation publicly supported African Americans with an anti lynching bill it could cause an international incident that would open the door for trillions of dollars in support for that nation but most African leaders are afraid to come to the US to talk to African Americans because the US has threatened them if they do so! The first African head of state to visit the United States was President Edwin Barclay of Liberia in 1943.The first African head of state to visit the United States was President Edwin Barclay of Liberia in 1943.President Obama welcomed leaders from across the African continent to the nation’s capital for a three-day U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, the first such event of its kind. The Summit, the largest event any U.S. President has held with African heads of state and government. When Trump was elected this effort was forgotten from Asia to Europe, the last few decades of global Africa policy can be defined in a single word: summitry. For five years now, the United States has been completely absent among the high-profile Africa summits. Instead of working with African nations the West has tried to force debt on them in order to sabotage their progress to put it simply if African nations work together they will find the west has NOTHING they need! Once they start building infrastructure and manufacturing and open up boarders with each other nothing will stop growth and prosperity. This will derail Europe's ambition to return to Africa and take over their because the only truly third world nations are European nations. The debate on the benefits of trade has dominated this decade, and Africa has cast its vote for more and better trade with itself. In March 2018, African countries signed a landmark trade agreement, the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA), which commits countries to remove tariffs on 90 percent of goods, Now in 2022 that amount has only reached 18%! So what is the problem? Sabotage! Barriers to trade continue to limit the growth of trade throughout all African regional groupings. By imposing unnecessary costs on exporters. In southern Africa, a truck serving supermarkets across a border may need to carry up to 1600 documents as a result of permits and licenses and other requirements. Slow and costly customs procedures and delays caused by other agencies operating at the border, such as standards, raise the costs of trading. For example, one supermarket chain in Southern Africa reports that each day one of its trucks is delayed at a border costs $500 and it spends $20,000 per week on securing import permits to distribute meat, milk, and plant-based goods to its stores in one country alone.

We all know of other examples and evidence of the high costs of intra-African trade. It is estimated that intra-African trade costs are around 70% higher than in East Asia, and are the highest of intra-regional costs in any developing region. The answer is remove yourself from a focus of global trade that is not the key to African empowerment the key is roads and free trade within the continent the key is access without western enforced certificates and tariffs and other impediments to make trade between African nations so expensive you have to go to Europe! The West is weaving a great lie about fostering competition between African nations it is unity they fear competition only gives them a cheaper price in the market place. Whenever someone comes to the table and says I want to foster competition between those I purchase from this means. I want to get as much as I can by paying as little as I can.